Reporting Stolen Pets: are the Police our Friend or Foe?

Reporting Stolen Pets: are the Police our Friend or Foe? Victims of pet theft often feel they are banging their heads against a brick wall. This blog exposes the shocking flaws in the microchipping system and inadequate police resources. Read about a victim's near-seven year struggle to find her stolen cat. Red-tape, data protection, and excuse-after-excuse have prevented Clooney the Siamese cat from being reunited with his rightful owner... It is impossible to describe the torture that is pet theft. I would have to possess the artfully accomplished alliterative powers of a master wordsmith to be able to take you to the hellish place I have been over the past six and three-quarter years and it still could not begin to convey the scale of the emotional tsunami. Suffice to say it is a forbidding landscape where your darkest fears dominate; where images of starvation, injury or purposeful cruelty hijack your sanity and where panicked imaginings are matched only by the horrifyi...