What is the Pet Abduction Act 2024?

What is the Pet Abduction Act 2024? From August 24th 2024 this much needed new law came into effect. Following the significant increase in pet theft during the pandemic, the government appointed a Pet Theft Taskforce to investigate. Their recommendation included the creation of a Pet Abduction Offence in recognition that pets are not inanimate objects as they were previously classified under the Theft Act 1968, but sentient, loved family members who have the capacity to suffer when stolen. The word 'abduction' was more appropriate since it places the emphasis firmly on the welfare of the pet, whilst recognising the impact on the owner. The Act comprises two separate offences: Dog Abduction and Cat Abduction. It will be a criminal offence to "take" and "detain" a dog however, only the 'taking' of a cat will fall within the scope of the Act. This is to reflect the different lifestyle and freedoms that our family cats enjoy, leaving them to continue to ...