Pet Theft Awareness Week 2023
Pet Theft Awareness Week 2023
0. Mar 11th: Pre Week - highlighting PTAW and blogs (Sat)
1. Mar.14th: DTAD - Who Steals Dogs? (Tues)
2. Mar.15th: Prevention (Wed)
3. Mar.17th: Where are Pets Stolen? (Fri)
4. Mar.19th: Horse (Sun)
5. Mar.20th: Don't Buy Stolen Pets (Mon)
6. Mar.21st: #StolenAndMissingCatsDay (Tue)
Mar 7th Pre Week -
#PetTheftAwarenessWeek March 14th to 21st. Pls Share.
The annual Pet Theft Awareness Week begins next week.
Having any pet stolen is a horrific life-changing crime that ruins the lives of owners and families. It happens every day.
EDUCATION - This year we are highlighting the 'Theft by Finding' misery caused by illegally keeping 'found' pets.
PREVENTION - To continue with the message that all pet owners need to consider the ease at which someone could steal their beloved family members. How easily can someone take your pet?
#DogTheftAwarenessDay March 14th. Dog related businesses and organisations can share our graphics OR create their own content.
#HorseTheftDay is March19th.
#StolenAndMissingCatsDay - March 21st use the hashtag and share your missing and stolen cat photographs.
#PetTheftAwarenessWeek March 14th to 21st. Pls Share.
The annual Pet Theft Awareness Week begins next week.
Having any pet stolen is a horrific life-changing crime that ruins the lives of owners and families. It happens every day.
EDUCATION - This year we are highlighting the 'Theft by Finding' misery caused by illegally keeping 'found' pets.
PREVENTION - To continue with the message that all pet owners need to consider the ease at which someone could steal their beloved family members. How easily can someone take your pet?
#DogTheftAwarenessDay March 14th. Dog related businesses and organisations can share our graphics OR create their own content.
#HorseTheftDay is March19th.
#StolenAndMissingCatsDay - March 21st use the hashtag and share your missing and stolen cat photographs.
1. Mar.14th: DTAD - Who Steals Dogs? (Tues)
Theft-by-Finding is a crime.
2. Mar.15th: Prevention (Wed)
How can you prevent your pets or horses from being stolen?
Where are they vulnerable? Never leave your dog unattended in the garden.
Stay fully focused whilst walking your dog. Avoid being distracted by mobile phones.
Organised dog thieves will steal from gardens, or puppies at viewings and targeted burglaries.
Theft-by-Finding is a crime.
3. Mar.17th: Where are Pets Stolen? (Fri)
Where are pets stolen?
Gardens are the most common place for dog thefts. From vehicles, unattended outside shops, kennels, and whilst on walks are all other places where dog theft occurs.
Cats get stolen in burglaries especially if they are targeted valuable cat breeds. Kitten and puppy viewings are also places where pets have been taken. Theft by finding is probably the most common cause of cat theft.
Horses are stolen during loans that are not properly agreed on so take legal advice when loaning, and draw up contracts.
Our best advice is to not take any risks, concentrate on walks, and never leave your dog unattended.
Theft-by-Finding is a crime.
Theft-by-Finding is a crime.

4. Mar.19th: Horse (Sun)

It's #HorseTheftDay as part of #PetTheftAwarenessWeek
Install CCTV and put up deterring signs.
Always seek legal advice when loaning out horses.
Horse thefts from victims:
Theft-by-Finding is a crime.
5. Mar.20th: Don't Buy Stolen Pets (Mon)
6. Mar.21st: #StolenAndMissingCatsDay (Tue)
Cats owners love their pets as much as dog owners love theirs but TIME IS RUNNING OUT!The Government’s Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill is set to expire on 8th June.
The options available to the Government are:
1. to let the Bill drop
2. to table a further debatable carry over motion to extend this time or
3. to schedule a date for the Bill’s remaining stages before the 8th June and enable it to progress to the House of Lords.
To date no announcement has been made.
As of Monday, 24th March there are 34 PARLIAMENTARY DAYS until 8th June.
Please contact your MP asap to get him/her to write to DEFRA to get clarification as to when this Bill will move forward and remember to remind him/her that CATS are pets and MUST be included in the offence of pet abduction. TEMPLATE LETTER click HERE:
On March 14th Cats Protection held an MPs drop-in event in parliament.
Click here to read more.
#StolenandMissingCatsDay recognises that cat theft is a serious issue with a 40% increase in recorded police crimes in 2021 Read the 2022 Cat Theft Report:
Theft-by-Finding is a crime.
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